Creating a Windows Virtual Machine Using Xen Project Hypervisor

In this tutorial we describe how to create a Windows 10 virtual machine using Xen Project hypervisor. To complete this task, we use an ISO file for the operating system (“OS”) installation and work our way through the process via a VNC connection to the new virtual machine. The steps below assume you already have […]

Create Disk Image File for DomU Virtual Machine

In this short tutorial we detail how to create a raw disk image file using qemu-img. Once created, we pass the disk image file to a virtual machine (“VM”) and use it as a virtual disk on which to install the VM’s operating system. Although this tutorial uses the “raw” disk image format, according to […]

Using xen-tools to Delete DomU Virtual Machines in Xen Project Hypervisor

The following is a guide for deleting paravirtualized (“PV”) DomU virtual machines in Xen Project Hypervisor using xen-tools. Although xen-tools supports loopback, EVMS, and LVM partition types, this guide focuses on LVM-based DomU only. That being said, the information provided below may be easily adapted for use with loopback and EVMS-based DomU. If you’re looking […]

Using xen-tools to Create DomU Virtual Machines in Xen Project Hypervisor

The following is a guide for creating paravirtualized (“PV”) DomU virtual machines in Xen Project Hypervisor using xen-tools. If you are looking for an in-depth Xen Projoect Hypervisor guide, please refer to Installing Xen Project Hypervisor on Debian 9: An in-depth beginner’s guide. Software Versions The software versions used in this guide include xen-tools version […]

Hardening the Xen Hypervisor Debian 9 DomU: A review of default packages and libraries

The threat of running unnecessary services on a system bloated with extra software is a less commonly discussed security concern. Yet enabled and listening services weaken the server’s defences by creating potential entry points for the attacker, as well as by providing resources for the attacker to use against other machines. The server hardening maxim we’re interested in today goes as follows: “Install only necessary software; delete or disable everything else.” With this topic in mind, our task is to examine how this technique applies to a Xen Project hypervisor DomU virtual machine running a paravirtualized Debian 9 operating system.