How to Calculate Your Effective Tax Rate

Although this guide was written with Canadian taxpayers in mind, the concepts below are applicable to taxpayers in other countries as well. What do you mean by “effective tax rate”? As far as how we apply the calculation below, your effective tax rate is the average tax you pay on every dollar of taxable income […]

Using xen-tools to Delete DomU Virtual Machines in Xen Project Hypervisor

The following is a guide for deleting paravirtualized (“PV”) DomU virtual machines in Xen Project Hypervisor using xen-tools. Although xen-tools supports loopback, EVMS, and LVM partition types, this guide focuses on LVM-based DomU only. That being said, the information provided below may be easily adapted for use with loopback and EVMS-based DomU. If you’re looking […]

Using xen-tools to Create DomU Virtual Machines in Xen Project Hypervisor

The following is a guide for creating paravirtualized (“PV”) DomU virtual machines in Xen Project Hypervisor using xen-tools. If you are looking for an in-depth Xen Projoect Hypervisor guide, please refer to Installing Xen Project Hypervisor on Debian 9: An in-depth beginner’s guide. Software Versions The software versions used in this guide include xen-tools version […]

Understanding the CRA Unreported Income Formula: Accounting for GST/HST and Changes in A/R

Why should a business owner be concerned about their account’s receivable balance during a tax audit? The answer to this question has to do with how the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) normally calculates unreported income while performing a factual audit. CRA “Unreported Income” Formula In most scenarios, the CRA auditor starts collecting data for the […]

A Quick Guide for Configuring LVM

So, you’ve got a hard disk or solid state drive that you need to partition and you’re thinking about configuring it with Logical Volume Manager (“LVM”). Here’s a quick walk-through of the steps needed to get LVM working on your drive. LVM Basics Let’s first look at some basic LVM terminology. It’s helpful to think […]

Completing a GST/HST Return with Spreadsheet-Based Method Data

When preparing returns from poor or damaged corporate records, several forms of data reconciliation are required. As previously described, the spreadsheet-based method is a useful tool for preparing certain data reconciliations. In its first form of reconciliation, the spreadsheet-based method focuses on the preparation of financial statements, specifically the income statement and balance sheet. Financial […]